Meet the Designer: Caitlin Crosby


Homelessness, similar to the injustice of human trafficking, can feel like an overwhelming issue to tackle. Caitlin Crosby, founder of the Giving Keys didn't let that stop her from doing her part to end the homeless crisis in Los Angeles. The Giving Keys was created to employ people transitioning out of homelessness through the creation of hand stamped vintage keys. We've partnered with The Giving Keys in the past to offer custom keys for our community. This year, we were honored to have Caitlin design a Dressember dress. Her design, "The Caitlin" is what we like to call a power pose in a dress.

Caitlin, can you tell us more about your dress design?

15 years ago, I used to have a red dress that was a similar shape - it was a higher turtle neck and didn’t have the slip....and I always loved it, but through the years, I lost it... So I wanted to make something similar, chic and conservative but cool; that could be dressed up for work, but also give it that ‘other worldly’ sleeve for that unique cool girl vibe.

"I wanted to make something similar, chic and conservative but cool; that could be dressed up for work, but also give it that ‘other worldly’ sleeve for that unique cool girl vibe."

Why did you decide to partner with Dressember in this way?

I think it’s a unique, brilliant idea, to fight a very important cause. & I always want to support other missions!

Where are you seeking inspiration from these days?

Brene Brown’s Rising Strong Book.

Who are some women that inspire you?

I admire Lauren Paul & Molly Thompson from Kind Campaign, & Sarah Dubbeldam from Darling Magazine because they are also trying to juggle the ‘working mom’ challenge. I love seeing all the different ways they try to incorporate taking care of their babes while changing the world.  

We could say the same about you and your little man, Brave! What would you go back and tell young Caitlin when she was first starting out?

Try to relish & soak in the ‘wins’ and good memories of it all. 

We end all of our interviews asking the same question: What is the craziest thing you have done or would do in a dress?

Run on a treadmill in a hotel gym. 

We'll leave you with a quote that Caitlin shared with us: “I will be Brave, and you will be Brave, & all will be Well.

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About the Author

Madeline Kronenberg.png

Madeline considers herself a bit of a nomad, having split her time between three continents over the past few years. Now, digging her roots down in Southern California, Madeline spends her time crafting content for the Dressember campaign, doing yoga and exploring National Parks with her husband.

DressemberMeet the Designer