Meet the Designer: Penny Lovell


Penny Lovell is a veteran designer for the Dressember Dress Collection. Her sweatshirt dress last year was a fan favorite. As a red carpet stylist to the stars, Penny has a keen eye for fashion. This year's dress design, "The Penny II" took the best parts of her original sweatshirt dress to create an oversized sweatshirt dress with dolman sleeves and a tapered silhouette. You might not ever want to take this dress off -- good news for those of you out there looking to take on the extra challenge of wearing the same dress all December long!

Penny, why did you choose to design your dress the way that you did?

I live in sweatshirts and I'm very partial to the 90's so thats the first reason. Last year my dress was a shorter sweatshirt dress and I got asked by a number of people if it was available in a longer length, so theres also that...

"I live in sweatshirts and I'm very partial to the 90's"

Where are you seeking inspiration from these days?

Right now from strong female activists and writers like Rachel Cargle and Rebecca Traister.  

We will have to check them out! How did you get involved with Dressember in the first place?

I met Blythe through a mutual friend and was really moved by her passion and the goals of her movement.  

As a respected stylist (and a designer!) what would you go back and tell yourself when you were starting out?

No matter the desired end game, the ultimate goal should be to love and embrace all aspects of the journey there.

That's great advice. Who is a women that you admire? 

Michelle Obama. Her grace, her kindness, her fierce intelligence and her strength and poise in the face of racism and bigotry.   

Okay, last question: What is the craziest thing you would do (or have done) in a dress?

I think I have failed this question. Sadly I am just a regular dress wearer :)

Whether you're a regular dress wearer like Penny or not, we know you're going to love this sweatshirt dress. You might just need to get it in all three colors...

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About the Author

Madeline Kronenberg.png

Madeline considers herself a bit of a nomad, having split her time between three continents over the past few years. Now, digging her roots down in Southern California, Madeline spends her time crafting content for the Dressember campaign, doing yoga and exploring National Parks with her husband.

DressemberMeet the Designer