Posts tagged Dressember2018
A look into how Dressember chooses grant partners

It’s the end of January, which means that both the Dressember style challenge and the U.S. National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month is almost over. You and your team have managed to raise $3,500, which is half the cost of a mission to rescue a victim of human trafficking from their situation, and your $3,500 has contributed to Dressember’s overall goal of raising over $2,300,000! It has been another successful year of raising money to combat human trafficking.

Yay! Woohoo! Yeah!

The crowds go wild!

But just where do those funds go?

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Interview with 2018 Advocate Andrew Chong

Andrew’s courageous approach and heart for others are encouraging to anyone seeking to make a difference. His interview is a powerful example of how people simply caring in their everyday lives can make a difference. Dressing up, beginning conversations, and having a heart for the dignity of others are all a Dressember advocate needs. We are all, with Andrew, “everyday advocates.”

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A Resource Guide to Launch Your Ethical Fashion Journey

Dressember is slowly approaching and that can mean that the dress hunting has officially begun. While the dress shopping process can be an exciting time, it is important to make the right decision when purchasing clothing. Throughout the month of December (and life in general), we should be representing ethical brands that provide their workers with ethical working conditions. The fashion industry has a highly complex supply chain and because of that, it is easier for manufacturers and suppliers to get away with unethical practices. In this post, I will discuss a few tips and tricks on how to shop ethical and honest brands.

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Advocate Spotlight: 9-year-old Corah Stephens

Has anyone ever told you that you’re too young to change the world? Let me introduce you to Corah Stephens, the 9-year-old world-changer who is shattering that lie. This is her first year of Dressember advocacy, but she is already making a huge impact through raising $800 in the first 10 days of December, and boldly talking about human trafficking in her daily encounters.

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Cultural barriers present in human trafficking

As advocates, we care deeply about the men and women who are trapped, abused and exploited within the sex trafficking industry. This passion is such a wonderful thing, but it can also be blinding. Often, when we try to help people in extreme circumstances such as this, we forget to take any other situational factors into consideration. One of the most important factors we should take into consideration when attempting to help sex trafficking victims is cultural context.

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What if nobody asks me about my dress or tie?

So, you’re halfway through the month of December and you’re feeling a little bit discouraged because people aren’t noticing the fact that you’re wearing a dress or a tie. I’ve been there and I feel your pain, friend. Going into my fourth year of being a Dressember advocate, this is one of the biggest obstacles and insecurities to overcome. So, let’s chat about it!

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Introducing our 2018/2019 Grant Partner: olive crest

But the sad reality is that 60% of those children – 60,000 children – who were recovered in FBI raids can be traced back to foster care and group homes. They were the hurt, the lonely, and the seemingly forgotten children and youth of society. According to Olive Crest Executive Director, Jaime Zavala, “children and young adults who have been a part of the foster care system are some of the kids at greatest risk of being engaged in human trafficking.”

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